Summer Dreams
Amidst the chaos and the grime,
Of growing land.
And muddy slime.
Lies the thoughts of days to come.
With summer sun ,
Will come the glow.
Of blooms and plants.
Nurtured in the gnarled hand,
Of gardeners palm.
His thoughts his hopes
of what will be .
When he and nature are as one
in harmony.
The colours, hearts will lift.
And fill with dreams of love that is and yet to blossom,
In the warmth of days.
Oh summer dreams my heart you fill.
And make me long soar
On wings of song
As in your beauty
Deep I lie.
And wonder at the tales ,
of summer sky.
I think of places I have seen
And those I have yet to
And journeys made
And yet to be.
Oh Summer Dreams.
This blog is linked to my other. Life Is full of Hard Knocks