Friday, 23 July 2010

The Gift

Caring Hands

Yes I have used this art before but I used it here and on my other blog for two reasons today. I commented on a friends blog the other day where she had used a copy of the prying hands. She has been having a rather sad and difficult passage in life and felt this painting of the praying hands was for her a comfort.

It is good that art can do so many things. It can not only portray beauty but it can also stir deep emotions in the artist and the viewer. All those years after the praying hands were painted it still speaks to the deep inner being of a person. I am sure there is not a single artist who would not give their right hand to be able to feel that just one of our paintings would have such a lasting impression.

Anyway back to this pastel. My friend emailed me to remind me of this painting. Seems it was one of mine that in some way touched her. I did enjoy painting it and I enjoy knowing where it is hanging now.

One day I am going to do another similar one and take account of the comments of my friend as to how I can improve it.

In the meantime I use it again today, for my friend.

In my other blog I talk of a world where more and more we seem to care less and less. Just so my friend knows. I hope never to travel the road of not caring.

Painted in pastel on black pastel board after painting another pastel hence the dirty looking hands. That is another tale I have told before.

This blog is linked to my other.  The Mousetrap


  1. Thank you so much. Wiping away a tear.

  2. trovo che le mani siano la parte piĆ¹ difficile da dipingere di una persona.
    Tu ci sei riuscito alla grande!!!!

  3. Yes indeed this is a gift. Reminds me of my grandmother's hands every time I look at this one.....the hands that always gave to everyone around her!
    I mostly remember and will always treasure her hands.

  4. Ralph, I don't think you could travel that particular road if you tried. I too love this painting.

  5. You are the sweetest man... and what you have said here is very true - what a lovely gesture and you have done such a beautiful job (hands are soooo difficult) I love the positioning of the hands - they make the viewer (me and I'm sure others) want to reach out and just hold on and feel the love and support and encouragement - you have done a wonderful pastel work here Ralph!

  6. nice title...very deftly 'handled' subject!
