Sunday, 1 August 2010

And So It Was

And So It Was

It was Katherine who was talking on her blog about selling pictures. I found that blog interesting because she was asking all the questions we all have to ask ourselves at one time or other. Can we part with paintings that are part of us? I had a lovely chuckle as I pictured her running after a buyer asking for her painting back.

Another real dilemma I have is when it is time to admit that nobody wants to purchase a particular painting. There is the question of storing large numbers of unsold large canvas. The other thing is cost. These canvas rather than sitting taking up space can be used again.

It is true that there is a part of us in every canvas we paint. If there is not then we have to ask ourselves if we are painting just as a task to be done or are we giving the painting our whole being.

I have used this painting here today on both blogs because here is a canvas in point.

Before going to sleep I often lie and consider painting. What will I paint? What days might I try to paint? What medium? Then of course I consider the canvas that I will use. Will it be a new one or will I paint over.

I think this painting is rapidly reaching the point when I will have to decide to paint over her. It is like selling a painting, it is never easy but we have to ask what can we do with a mountain of unwanted works?

This blog is linked to my other. The Examination


  1. I know what I am going to do with my canvases ... at the beginning of winter I will have a huge bonfire on my balcony! And it seems the fire gets larger every day!

  2. A dilemma I will never have to deal. I don't even attempt to sell paintings. That said, they are in a 33 gal. black plastic trash bag in my closet (for protection purposes) or in my drawer. I have a few I want to frame one of these days...but they build up. They are all like my babies!

  3. Hmm... Looking at the whole "painting over" concept from a different angle... The new painting that you create on top of the old one, will be all the more special, because it was reincarnated from the 'ashes' of a past life, so to speak. And the beauty is that only you will know that. It will carry a hidden past that may or may not be unlocked in the future! How cool is that!

  4. I like the most other artists struggle with that dilemma as well. Fortunately I'm a very slow painter so my buildup is minimal. My challenge is the covering up of the ones that don't sell and deep down I know they won't....but I like them...they mean something to me...But alas the closet is full and I need another canvas...
