Wednesday, 18 July 2012

In Reverence He Stands.

In reverence He Stands

I painted  sunset with a warrior standing on the horizon. It sold very quickly, as the next one and then people stated asking for warrior paintings in different ways. I found myself painting warrior paintings one after the other.

I am now wondering if I painted the soul out of myself? I had a fortunate break away while holidaying in France. While away at the last two of those warrior paintings sold.
On my return I have put a canvas on my easel many times but nothing has given me the strength to pour the paint and make a start.

There is such a temptation to just paint another because I am sure I could.

At least I am back here blogging so that is a beginning I hope.

Would love you to read and comment on my other blog. Make Others Happy and in Turn Be Happy Yourself


  1. Well Ralph I always find the hardest part to be putting down the first brush stroke! But then it soon begins to flow. And there's nothing like trying something completely new to feel inspired, although your Warriors are wonderful :0)

  2. Bravo tout de même mon cher Ralph pour ces ventes successives qui prouvent que vos guerriers plaisent...
    Je suis certaine cependant que votre prochaine peinture même si ce n'est pas des guerriers sera éblouissante... juste laissé parler votre ressenti du moment...

    Je risque parfois de m'absenter durant cette période estivale. Je dois partir pour mes diverses expositions dans le sud de la France... Mais je serai présente régulièrement dès la mi-septembre.

    Gros bisous.
