Tuesday, 13 September 2016


This little scene is just outside the site I am on now. I walk along past this each time I leave the site. The water yesterday was so calm as I crossed the bridge I could watch the fish swim against the stream. Nature in all its wonder.

There is a young child on the site who seems to have caught the bug of being interested in all around him. He spends most time pointing at things on the ground and turning over stones. How I wish I could let him see the bird that is sitting about ten yards from me right now. It is sitting on a nest looking down at me its little eye catching the light.

The wonder of nature indeed.

This reminds me of another little boy. He was continually asking his mother all sorts of questions about the things that caught his interest. 

One day while in the garden he asked his mother where babies came from. The mother thinking he was too young to understand took a little seed from a flowerhead. She told him that her and his father had got a seed just like this and put it somewhere safe until he had grown.

The little lad seemed happy with that a moved on to another subject and the mother felt happy.

Later that day the young boy took a seed and hid it under a stone.

Two or three days later he returned to the stone and gently lifted it. A large black beetle crawled out from under it. The little boy looked at it and said, "Oh you are so ugly. If I was not your father I would stand on you."

The first lesson in the beauty of nature is to take our share of its ownership.

Have a good day, enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour Ralph,

    J'aime beaucoup ton aquarelle. Je me permets de vous tutoyer...
    Les reflets sont fantastiques et ton ciel merveilleux. Il y a une grande délicatesse dans cette oeuvre.

    J'aime aussi la petite histoire sur l'origine de la naissance ! Elle m'a fait sourire et m'a rappelée celle que j'avais à l'époque raconté à mon fils Yannis-William.
    Les choux pour les garçons et les roses pour les filles...
    Un jour, il annonça à son père qu'il allait avoir un petit frère ! Mon mari fut étonné ! Mais déjà mon fils l'entrainait dans la cuisine et ouvrait le frigidaire pour lui montrer le choux qui s'y trouvait !
    A l'époque nous avions une employée de maison et lorsque celle-ci a cuisiné le choux, mon fils pleurait et me disait : "maman, Marinette (l'employée de maison) a tué le petit frère !"... il avait fallu lui donner des explications !!

    Gros bisous 🌼
