Saturday 1 May 2010

Autumnal Hedgerow

Autumnal Hedgerow.

This is the second version of my hedgerow. This time I tried to aim for even more of the autumnal colours, not sure I managed it. This painting has not sold and needs moving from where I have it hanging. I am not easily insulted and seldom if ever take umbrage but this painting brought me some pain. I liked it and so I splashed out and made an expensive heavy gold style antique frame. When I hung it I got an email from somebody who works in the inn where it is hanging offering me a lot less than the price I had asked and in fact less than it had cost for the frame. My first reaction was to let her have it but she did not really know me and had only worked in the place a very short time. I said no and since then have felt really bad. I am reluctant to go over and change it but I must do so.

I would be interested in your thoughts about these two together as a compare and contrast. See once a teacher always a teacher, compare and contrast indeed.

Again painted in acrylic using knives.

I have been reading all the blogs I follow this morning and have had to come back to my own and make comment about how wonderful I am feeling after the experience. So many of you lifting my inner being with your words and your art. The other day Kim gave away a painting today Kay says she is going to do the same and then Katherine says she is setting herself a similar challenge. This is marvellous, maybe we should all decide to give one painting a year  and we can record it. It need not be anything large or expensive, my little Autumn Watercolour was small.  I love the joy people get when they get even just a little painting.

This blog is linked to my other where this is used:- The Way of the Wolves


  1. Ralph bonjour,
    Cette deuxième version n'est pas moins bonne que la précédente. Chacun a son propre ressenti.
    En ce qui me concerne la première par ses touches me paraît peut-être plus puissante. Et là encore peut-être que je me trompe, car l'effet peut être produit par la photo.
    Il est vrai qu'on peut offrir des toiles... Mais cela ne se fait généralement pas sur commande! question de moment, de son propre état d'âme et aussi de la personne à qui on va l'offrir... Ralph vous nous offrez déjà beaucoup en nous montrant votre art. Merci.

  2. I think this is a beautiful piece, Ralph. I wouldn't undersell yourself. I think artists never get the value of their pieces when they spend many hours on them. Throw in a beautiful and expensive frame? Nope...I wouldn't take the loss but would rather keep it myself to get that enjoyment. 'Course, I've never sold a thing (and wouldn't have the chutzpah to try) so what the heck do I know?

  3. I like this painting very much, it's lovely. I have only used acrylics a few times but you have inspired me to get them and try again ... :->

  4. Well Ralph, this one definitely sings! The vibrant touch of colours is so the splashy whites they remind me of 'sparklers'; those handheld firecracker thingeys.

    You can give this one to me anytime; and one of your 'along the beach trail' ones also. As a matter of fact, any will do!

  5. I love the energy of thisone..very attractive..feels happier for some reason than the other..does that make sense?

  6. Ralph, this is a good work. My feeling is that your work has a value and if someone can't afford it, then that's it. Don't undersell your work no matter what your overall artistic plans are. I am tired of the general public not valuing art for what it is.

  7. Ralph, this is a beautiful painting. I agree don't undersell your work. My father told me a long time ago, "if you want to sell, then sell! if you want to give a painting away, then just give it" as you often do. But don't ever undersell. All the best to you.

  8. I keep coming back to this ... it is beautiful!
